星期二, 11月 21, 2006



Anne Marie Smith, LaSalle University

Throughout the history of Information Resource Management, there have been questions surrounding the necessity for multiple disciplines within the IRM domain. Many organizations do not recognize the essential differences between Data Administration and Database Administration. As a result, there exists much confusion over the roles of Data Administration and Database Administration, and their respective responsibilities. Each discipline is necessary for the proper management of the corporate resource of information, but these activities should never be combined in one person or sub-group. Each discipline requires different skills, training and talents, therefore, most people do not make a successful transition from one discipline to the other. Data Administration and its sub disciplines: Data Modeling, Data Definitions, Planning and Analysis, is a relative newcomer to the field of data processing. It is only within the last 10-15 years that the industry has given serious consideration to the logical management and control of information as a corporate resource. There is a lack of understanding of the purpose and objectives of Data Administration even among experienced data processing professionals.

Following is a chart of the major responsibilities of Data Administration and Database Administration:

Data Administration - Logical Design

Perform business requirements gathering
Analyze requirements
Model business based on requirements (conceptual and logical)
Define and enforce standards and conventions (definition, naming, abbreviation)
Conduct data definition sessions with users
Manage and administer meta data repository and Data Administration CASE (modeling) tools
Assist Database Administration in creating physical tables from logical models
Database Administration - Physical Design / Operational

Define required parameters for database definition
Analyze data volume and space requirements
Perform database tuning and parameter enhancements
Execute database backups and recoveries
Monitor database space requirements
Verify integrity of data in databases
Coordinate the transformation of logical structures to properly performing physical structures
Perhaps more than any other of the discrete disciplines within IS, Data Administration requires a concrete grasp of the real business the company is in, not just the technical aspects of interaction with a computer. Frequently, a DBA or systems programmer is arguably portable from one industry to another, with minimal retraining as long as the technology remains constant. A DA, on the other hand, has much to learn in an unfamiliar industry to be truly effective. Having an impact on data design and information management requires an understanding of the goals, objectives and tactics of the organization and its core industry (insurance, pharmaceuticals, banking, etc...). Logical Modeling is part of the Data Administration function, and is a full-time responsibility for those involved in a major development or enhancement project. It is frequently augmented by other data administration functions, such as developing data element definitions and managing the models and associated items in a meta data repository. One role of data administration is to advocate the planning and coordination of the information resource across related applications and business areas. By doing so, the amount of data sharing can be maximized, and the amount of design and data redundancy can be minimized.

One way data administrators (also called "data analysts") can assist in making data sharable and consistent across applications is to use the techniques of logical data modeling. Logical data design is a specialty that requires its own specialists. Developers and database administrators are not trained in logical data modeling, and should not be expected to perform this specialized task. The overall objective of Data Administration is to plan, document, manage and control the information resources of an entire organization. The main objective of Data Administration is to integrate and manage corporate-wide information resources. This integration can be achieved by a combination of refined skills and techniques, proper use of Data Administration tools such as a meta data repository and CASE (modeling) products, and logically designed data structures.

In the final analysis, the coordination of Data Administration and Database Administration skills, talents, roles and responsibilities will enable an organization to realize the goal of proper management of its information resource.

星期五, 10月 27, 2006


資料庫系統的意含 余老師一定會出!!

Graph: http://picasaweb.google.com/fychao.tw/BlogPhoto/photo#4990534883398320146
From Blog Photo

1) 這是個概念性的模型!
2) 這是在決定軟體之後怎麼做轉換設計。
3) user view 與 conceptual model

------------------------------------- IMPORTANT -------------------------------------
1: 看得到的部份,看不到的部份切清楚

2: 分三個部份談…

2-1: 模式的分類: 把 logical independence
2-1-1: 外部模式,只要是user 看到的東西就是外部,也就是user views. external model 很多。
2-1-2: conceptual model, 要把外部表單的資料抓出來,依 conceptual model (normalization) 的過程。
2-1-3: 你要去實做,就要看你是使用什麼樣的軟體,也就是 internal model。還沒有到實作的階段,只是轉成實作的過程。
2-1-4: physical model 才是實作,如資料如何 storage, 要不要 compress.... etc.

2-2: logical independence and physical
2-2-1: logical independence, 資料結構的更動,而程式不更動。因此不希望更動,讓資料與程式不受限。實務界 99% 不懂。
2-2-1-1: 工程師不知道什麼是 logical independence。
2-2-1-2: 工具本身不支援,如 SQL 就是不支援。
2-2-2: physical independence,
2-2-2-1: 不受硬體的限制。
2-2-2-2: 不管怎麼去存,也不管要不要壓縮。

2-3: 引導方法
2-3-1: information requirement analysis, 只要是使用者看的一定要去 defined
2-3-2: user view #1, user view #2........ formally defined
2-3-4: 名稱、型態、長度、範圍!!
2-3-5: 分析階段的結果都有要產出。要 control, 要 review. 產出就是 data dictionary, 最主要的目的,也就是開出規格 information spec.。
2-3-6: 一個一個的 model.

3: 需求分析、概念設計、建置設計、實體設計。

星期四, 9月 14, 2006

9/13 我活著渡過了~~~


  1. 8:00 上班
  2. 8:00~9:30 例行檢查、打會議紀錄、回報公務信件
  3. 9:30~12:00 上ITIL 課程
  4. 12:00~12:30 到銀行存款、並匯款給房東
  5. 12:30~13:30 到台北 paster 的公司
  6. 13:30~14:30 灌電腦、吃飯、討論公司方向
  7. 14:30~15:20 到政大
  8. 15:20~15:40 拿學生證、辦停車證
  9. 15:30~17:00 新生座談會
  10. 17:00~18:00 找狗王去吃飯,他不去而在那跟同學social
  11. 18:00~19:20 上第一堂研究方法課
  12. 19:20~19:40 組織同學選出班代、決定班上事件
  13. 19:40~20:20 跟老師借書、定出要報告的範圍及任務編組、影印及時間安排
  14. 20: 20~21:20 跟震華學長討論研究方向
  15. 21:20~21:40 跟組員做最後時程、報告討論,繳錢拿資料
  16. 21:40~10:20 送學長回家
  17. 10:20~11:20 吃飯,跟老闆哈啦
  18. 11:10~12:10 回到新竹
  19. 12:10~02:00 跟學弟哈啦
  20. 02:00~03:30 看資料、寫信、辦一些學校的事
  21. 03:30~05:30 睡一下 >_M
  22. 05:30 機器壞掉的 S1 通知
  23. 06:30 已在公司報到
  24. 07:00 廠商工程師到
  25. 07:10 發現是個誤報 -_-"

星期一, 9月 11, 2006


學年開始(Academic year begins),2006/8/1,2006/8/1
"學生選課初選登記(Course selection period,Day 1)",2006/8/22,2006/8/22
"學生選課初選登記(Course selection period,Day 2)",2006/8/23,2006/8/23
"學生選課初選登記(Course selection period,Day 3)",2006/8/24,2006/8/24
"學生選課初選登記(Course selection period,Final Day)",2006/8/25,2006/8/25
"各系所新生,轉學生申請學分抵免(Applying for transfer of credits)",2006/8/22,2006/8/22
"各系所新生,轉學生申請學分抵免(Applying for transfer of credits)",2006/8/23,2006/8/23
"各系所新生,轉學生申請學分抵免(Applying for transfer of credits)",2006/8/24,2006/8/24
"各系所新生,轉學生申請學分抵免(Applying for transfer of credits)",2006/8/25,2006/8/25
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2006/9/5,2006/9/5
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2006/9/6,2006/9/6
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2006/9/7,2006/9/7
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2006/9/8,2006/9/8
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2006/9/9,2006/9/9
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2006/9/10,2006/9/10
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2006/9/11,2006/9/11
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2006/9/12,2006/9/12
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2006/9/13,2006/9/13
校務會議(University Council Meeting),2006/9/8,2006/9/8
宿舍新生輔導(Freshman Dormitory Orientation),2006/9/10,2006/9/10
新生身體健康檢查(New studnet health check),2006/9/11,2006/9/11
新生身體健康檢查(New studnet health check),2006/9/12,2006/9/12
新生及轉學生始業教育(New student/transfer student orientation),2006/9/11,2006/9/11
新生及轉學生始業教育(New student/transfer student orientation),2006/9/12,2006/9/12
各系所學生(含轉學生)銀行繳交學雜費截止日(Tuition/miscellaneous fees due),2006/9/13,2006/9/13
開始上課(Classes begin),2006/9/13,2006/9/13
學生選課加退選(Add/drop period),2006/9/18,2006/9/18
學生選課加退選(Add/drop period),2006/9/19,2006/9/19
學生選課加退選(Add/drop period),2006/9/20,2006/9/20
學生選課加退選(Add/drop period),2006/9/21,2006/9/21
行政會議(Administrative Meeting),2006/10/4,2006/10/4
中秋節(放假一天)(Mid-Autumn Festival),2006/10/6,2006/10/6
國慶日(放假一天)(National Day),2006/10/10,2006/10/10
選課更正(Course change),2006/10/12,2006/10/12
選課更正(Course change),2006/10/13,2006/10/13
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of Graduate student thesis topic),2006/10/11,2006/10/11
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of Graduate student thesis topic),2006/10/12,2006/10/12
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of Graduate student thesis topic),2006/10/13,2006/10/13
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of Graduate student thesis topic),2006/10/14,2006/10/14
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of Graduate student thesis topic),2006/10/15,2006/10/15
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of Graduate student thesis topic),2006/10/16,2006/10/16
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of Graduate student thesis topic),2006/10/17,2006/10/17
導師會議(Student adviser Meeting),2006/10/23,2006/10/23
學期1/3退費基準日(Deadline for 1/3 tuition refund),2006/10/24,2006/10/24
學生至銀行繳交學分費暨語言設備使用費截止日(Credit fee/language facility fee due),2006/11/2,2006/11/2
特殊教育學生獎助學金申請截止日(Deadline for scholarships and grants for special education students application),2006/11/3,2006/11/3
行政會議(Administrative Meeting),2006/11/8,2006/11/8
本校研究生獎學金推薦作業截止日(Deadline for submitting recommendation for graduate student scholarships),2006/11/9,2006/11/9
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2006/11/13,2006/11/13
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2006/11/14,2006/11/14
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2006/11/15,2006/11/15
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2006/11/16,2006/11/16
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2006/11/17,2006/11/17
校務會議(University Council Meeting),2006/11/18,2006/11/18
本學期申請棄修開始日(Date for withdrawing from classes),2006/11/20,2006/11/20
校際交流週(停課三天)(School Interchange Week),2006/11/22,2006/11/22
校際交流週(停課三天)(School Interchange Week),2006/11/23,2006/11/23
校際交流週(停課三天)(School Interchange Week),2006/11/24,2006/11/24
大學部學生辦理下學期自動退宿及候補申請(Last day to waitlist for undergraduate housing),2006/11/27,2006/11/27
大學部學生辦理下學期自動退宿及候補申請(Last day to waitlist for undergraduate housing),2006/11/28,2006/11/28
大學部學生辦理下學期自動退宿及候補申請(Last day to waitlist for undergraduate housing),2006/11/29,2006/11/29
大學部學生辦理下學期自動退宿及候補申請(Last day to waitlist for undergraduate housing),2006/11/30,2006/11/30
大學部學生辦理下學期自動退宿及候補申請(Last day to waitlist for undergraduate housing),2006/12/1,2006/12/1
大學部學生辦理下學期自動退宿及候補申請(Last day to waitlist for undergraduate housing),2006/12/2,2006/12/2
大學部學生辦理下學期自動退宿及候補申請(Last day to waitlist for undergraduate housing),2006/12/3,2006/12/3
大學部學生辦理下學期自動退宿及候補申請(Last day to waitlist for undergraduate housing),2006/12/4,2006/12/4
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Fee waiver application accepted),2006/12/4,2006/12/4
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Fee waiver application accepted),2006/12/5,2006/12/5
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Fee waiver application accepted),2006/12/6,2006/12/6
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Fee waiver application accepted),2006/12/7,2006/12/7
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Fee waiver application accepted),2006/12/8,2006/12/8
本學期申請棄修截止日(Last day to withdraw from classes),2006/12/1,2006/12/1
學期2/3退費基準日(Last day 2/3 tuition refund),2006/12/5,2006/12/5
行政會議(Administrative Meeting),2006/12/13,2006/12/13
大學部學生寒假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for winter recess housing),2006/12/11,2006/12/11
大學部學生寒假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for winter recess housing),2006/12/12,2006/12/12
大學部學生寒假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for winter recess housing),2006/12/13,2006/12/13
大學部學生寒假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for winter recess housing),2006/12/14,2006/12/14
大學部學生寒假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for winter recess housing),2006/12/15,2006/12/15
開國紀念日(放假一天)(Founding Day of the Republic of China),2007/1/1,2007/1/1
校務會議(University Council Meeting),2007/1/9,2007/1/9
停課(End of classes),2007/1/9,2007/1/9
停課(End of classes),2007/1/10,2007/1/10
本學期申請休學截止日(Last day to apply for leave of absence),2007/1/10,2007/1/10
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/1/11,2007/1/11
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/1/12,2007/1/12
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/1/13,2007/1/13
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/1/14,2007/1/14
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/1/15,2007/1/15
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/1/16,2007/1/16
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/1/17,2007/1/17
寒假開始(winter recess begins),2007/1/18,2007/1/18
第二學期學生選課初選登記(Course selection for the second semester),2007/1/22,2007/1/22
第二學期學生選課初選登記(Course selection for the second semester),2007/1/23,2007/1/23
第二學期學生選課初選登記(Course selection for the second semester),2007/1/24,2007/1/24
學期結束(End of semester),2007/1/31,2007/1/31
學期開始(Semester begins),2007/2/1,2007/2/1
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/12,2007/2/12
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/13,2007/2/13
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/14,2007/2/14
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/15,2007/2/15
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/16,2007/2/16
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/17,2007/2/17
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/18,2007/2/18
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/19,2007/2/19
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/20,2007/2/20
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/21,2007/2/21
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/22,2007/2/22
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/23,2007/2/23
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/24,2007/2/24
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/25,2007/2/25
學生就學貸款申請(Applying for student loans),2007/2/26,2007/2/26
農曆除夕(Chinese New Year's Eve),2007/2/17,2007/2/17
農曆春節(Chinese New Year holidays),2007/2/18,2007/2/18
農曆春節(Chinese New Year holidays),2007/2/19,2007/2/19
農曆春節(Chinese New Year holidays),2007/2/20,2007/2/20
農曆春節(Chinese New Year holidays),2007/2/21,2007/2/21
農曆春節(Chinese New Year holidays),2007/2/22,2007/2/22
各系所學生銀行繳交學雜費截止日(Tuition/miscellaneous fees due),2007/2/26,2007/2/26
開始上課(Classes begin),2007/2/26,2007/2/26
和平紀念日(放假一天)(Memorial Day)(University closed),2007/2/28,2007/2/28
學生選課加退選(Add/Drop period),2007/3/5,2007/3/5
學生選課加退選(Add/Drop period),2007/3/6,2007/3/6
學生選課加退選(Add/Drop period),2007/3/7,2007/3/7
學生選課加退選(Add/Drop period),2007/3/8,2007/3/8
行政會議(Administrative Meetings),2007/3/7,2007/3/7
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of graduate student thesis topic),2007/3/19,2007/3/19
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of graduate student thesis topic),2007/3/20,2007/3/20
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of graduate student thesis topic),2007/3/21,2007/3/21
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of graduate student thesis topic),2007/3/22,2007/3/22
研究生申報論文題目(Submission of graduate student thesis topic),2007/3/23,2007/3/23
導師制輔導知能研習會(Student Adviser Workshop),2007/3/26,2007/3/26
選課更正(Course change),2007/3/29,2007/3/29
選課更正(Course change),2007/3/30,2007/3/30
本校學生至各系辦理轉系申請(Applying for major change),2007/3/27,2007/3/27
本校學生至各系辦理轉系申請(Applying for major change),2007/3/28,2007/3/28
本校學生至各系辦理轉系申請(Applying for major change),2007/3/29,2007/3/29
本校學生至各系辦理轉系申請(Applying for major change),2007/3/30,2007/3/30
迎春活動週(Spring break)(no classes),2007/4/2,2007/4/2
迎春活動週(Spring break)(no classes),2007/4/3,2007/4/3
迎春活動週(Spring break)(no classes),2007/4/4,2007/4/4
民族掃墓節(放假一天)(Tomb Sweeping Day)(University closed),2007/4/5,2007/4/5
學期1/3退費基準日(Deadline for 1/3 tuition refund),2007/4/6,2007/4/6
行政會議(Administrative Meeting),2007/4/11,2007/4/11
學生至銀行繳交學分費暨語言設備使用費截止日(Credit fee/language facility fee due),2007/4/12,2007/4/12
本校研究生獎學金推薦作業截止日(Deadline for submitting recommendation for graduate student scholarships),2007/4/23,2007/4/23
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2007/4/23,2007/4/23
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2007/4/24,2007/4/24
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2007/4/25,2007/4/25
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2007/4/26,2007/4/26
期中隨堂考試(Midterm examination),2007/4/27,2007/4/27
校務會議(University Council Meeting),2007/4/28,2007/4/28
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/4/25,2007/4/25
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/4/26,2007/4/26
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/4/27,2007/4/27
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/4/28,2007/4/28
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/4/29,2007/4/29
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/4/30,2007/4/30
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/5/1,2007/5/1
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/5/2,2007/5/2
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/5/3,2007/5/3
大學部學生辦理95學年住宿申請(Undergraduate housing application for academic year 2006),2007/5/4,2007/5/4
本學期申請棄修開始日(Applying for class withdrawal),2007/4/30,2007/4/30
行政會議(Administrative Meeting),2007/5/9,2007/5/9
本學期申請棄修截止日(Last day to withdrawal from classes),2007/5/11,2007/5/11
大學部學生暑假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for summer housing),2007/5/14,2007/5/14
大學部學生暑假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for summer housing),2007/5/15,2007/5/15
大學部學生暑假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for summer housing),2007/5/16,2007/5/16
大學部學生暑假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for summer housing),2007/5/17,2007/5/17
大學部學生暑假住宿申請(Undergraduate application for summer housing),2007/5/18,2007/5/18
暑修上期登記(Registration for Summer Session I),2007/5/16,2007/5/16
暑修上期登記(Registration for Summer Session I),2007/5/17,2007/5/17
學期2/3退費基準日(Last day for 2/3 tuition refund),2007/5/18,2007/5/18
"運動會(停課一天)(Athletic Events,no classes)",2007/5/18,2007/5/18
"運動會(Athletic Events,no classes)",2007/5/19,2007/5/19
校慶(University Anniversary),2007/5/20,2007/5/20
本校學生上網申請修讀各系為輔系或雙主修(Last day to declare a double major/minor),2007/5/25,2007/5/25
本校學生上網申請修讀各系為輔系或雙主修(Last day to declare a double major/minor),2007/5/26,2007/5/26
本校學生上網申請修讀各系為輔系或雙主修(Last day to declare a double major/minor),2007/5/27,2007/5/27
本校學生上網申請修讀各系為輔系或雙主修(Last day to declare a double major/minor),2007/5/28,2007/5/28
本校學生上網申請修讀各系為輔系或雙主修(Last day to declare a double major/minor),2007/5/29,2007/5/29
本校學生上網申請修讀各系為輔系或雙主修(Last day to declare a double major/minor),2007/5/30,2007/5/30
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Filing period for fee waiver application),2007/6/4,2007/6/4
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Filing period for fee waiver application),2007/6/5,2007/6/5
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Filing period for fee waiver application),2007/6/6,2007/6/6
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Filing period for fee waiver application),2007/6/7,2007/6/7
辦理學生減免學雜費申請(Filing period for fee waiver application),2007/6/8,2007/6/8
端午節(放假一天)(Dragon Boat Festival),2007/6/19,2007/6/19
校務會議(University Council Meeting),2007/6/21,2007/6/21
本學期申請休學截止日(Last day to apply for leave of absence),2007/6/22,2007/6/22
停課(End of classes),2007/6/21,2007/6/21
停課(End of classes),2007/6/22,2007/6/22
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/6/25,2007/6/25
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/6/26,2007/6/26
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/6/27,2007/6/27
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/6/28,2007/6/28
期末隨堂考試(Final examination),2007/6/29,2007/6/29
暑假開始(Summer recess begins),2007/6/30,2007/6/30
暑修下期登記(Registration for Summer Session I),2007/7/9,2007/7/9
暑修下期登記(Registration for Summer Session I),2007/7/10,2007/7/10
學年結束(End of academic year),2007/7/31,2007/7/31

星期三, 8月 30, 2006

8/30 寫信給老師

Dear Prof. Yang:


其實在看了這麼多資料之後,綜合來說,最大的心得就是 Ontology 可以協助在
做 Social Network Analysis 時,能更明確地界定出其 Dimension 。當然其它的心得
Crane 早在1972年就已經做過類似的研究,希望能進一步研讀。

都是 Free 的,Sun.~Sat. always standing by。謝謝老師。

With Best Regards.
學生趙逢毅 August F.Y. Chao

星期二, 8月 22, 2006


研究方法 Research Methods
老師 楊亨利
時間 三EFG
地點 商館260102
學分 三(必)

Java 專題 Speical Topic on Java
老師 曾淑峰
時間 一EFG
地點 逸仙樓五樓電腦教室
學分 三(選)

資料採掘技術與企業應用 Data Mining Technologies and Business Application
老師 余千智
時間 五EFG
地點 商館260209
學分 三(選)


九十五學年度碩士班新生學號表 95.08.18更新
系級名稱 學號 姓名 修業別(招生管道)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356001 翁榮暉 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356002 陳怡璇 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356003 陳冠妤 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356004 林盈君 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356005 黃健維 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356006 費彥霖 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356008 羅國倫 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356009 林孝禹 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356010 莊薏臻 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356011 曹飴珊 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356012 邱祺馨 碩士(碩甄)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356013 陳韋均 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356014 陳俊吉 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356015 許婷筑 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356016 胡永宏 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356017 呂加佩 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356018 黃泓翔 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356019 趙逢毅 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356020 卞彥鈞 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356021 賴麒文 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356022 徐國英 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356023 李佳芳 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356024 蘇意婷 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356025 王寶翔 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356026 陳韻羽 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356027 溫豐全 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356028 李惠卿 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356029 陳瑞鴻 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356030 莊竣丞 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356031 張 維 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356032 張耿嘉 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356033 涂志樺 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356034 蕭祥恩 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356035 蔡明輝 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356036 潘建全 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356037 陳惇仁 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356038 陳玟妤 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356039 馮秉義 碩士(招生)
資訊管理學系碩士班 95356040 廖良諭 碩士(招生)

星期四, 8月 17, 2006


一定會去 take 的課程如下…

灌檔 一般 中文 研究方法 資管碩一 1869 356008001 1 必修 3.0 楊亨利 三EFG 商館260102
英文科目名稱:Research Methods

* 老闆的課,不上會被打屁屁的!

可能會去 take 的課程如下…

一般 英文 全球電子企業研究專題 資管碩一等 1872 356578001 1 選修 3.0 李有仁 四8EF 商館260308
英文科目名稱:Global Electronic Business Research Seminar

一般 中文 商業智慧與信用風險管理 資管碩一等 3050 356593001 1 選修 3.0 曾淑峰 二FGH 資管電腦室
英文科目名稱:Business Intelligence and Credit Risk Management

一般 中文 資訊政策與數位社會 資管碩一等 1876 356639001 1 選修 3.0 湯宗益 二EFG
英文科目名稱:Information Policy and E-Society

一般 中文 資料採掘技術與企業應用 資管碩一等 1877 356660001 1 選修 3.0 余千智 五EFG 商館260209
英文科目名稱:Data Mining Technologies and Business Application

一般 中文 Java專題 資管碩一等 3055 356758001 1 選修 3.0 曾淑峰 一FGH
英文科目名稱:Special Topic on Java

(8/9) 老師您,有關我每週寫信給您,我做個改變…

Dear Prof. Yang:

初估進度是完成50%左右(書本到第四章,paper 看還差二份ontology
的paper) 我自已初估是八月底之前要完成所有的研讀。在研讀完所有


With Best Regards.
學生趙逢毅 August F.Y. Chao